Bottling Plant
Sale of a complete bottling line only for natural water, for PET bottles, ml bottle formats. 330; ml. 500; ml. 750; ml. 1,000; ml. 1500; screw cap 25/29.
(modificale nel modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
(modificale nel modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
(modificale nel modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
- Preform loader Sameto Technifil EBH02050 serial number 12195301 Potenza assorbita KW 40 Volt 400 Hetz 50/60 Pressione massima 130
- Preform Control Point Riondè CGM7serial number 184 Volt 400
- Blow molding machine Sidel SB0 20 5270 serial number 5270 KW 632 Volt 400.
- Preform Inspection FT system H 5700-BC-FLY serial number 12-346 volt 230 Hertz 50
- Flow Tec Gangloff Scoma SC 80x18 serial number M012026 Volt 400
- Corker Zalkin Octabin serial number 03 20 volt 400
- Optical control Heuft HBB VX TI36 serial number 2LG008907 volt 230 Hertz 50/60 maximum pressure 12
- Labeller Krones Contiroll 810-005 serial number M7740291192 volt 400 hertz40
- Separator Fege Traintonic Train-116KW 240050
- Heating tunnel cabinet Ocme E220.01R serial number 1200083A01 KW 200 Volt 400 Hertz 50
- Handle Installer Twin Pack Mete-S serial number 112187101 volt 400
- Belts and electrical panels volt 400 hertz 50
- Handle Installer Krones Multidivider volt 400 hertz 50
- N 2 Manipulator robot Fanuc- OcmeM-710ic50 serial number R14402272/R14200722 volt 400 hertz 50
- Manipulator robot Fanuc - Ocme Pegasus R-30iB serial numberE14132817 volt 400 hertz 50
- Manipulator robot Fanuc - OcmeM-410ic/185 seril number R14200662 volt 400 hertz 50
- Winder Robopac Genesis Cube serial number 1A14050171 volt 400 hertz 50
- Winder Robopac Genesis Cube serial number 1B14050172 volt 400 hertz 50
- Belts
- Compressor Atlas Copco serial number 16583 volt 400 hertz 50 maximum pressure 40 bar